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Which One Is Better?

Before I begin to write this blog. Did you remember guys if I wrote about my hobby?. I am a girl who likes drawing and also painting. Now I want to tell about how I use my Acrylic or Aga paint and maybe which different between Acrylic and Acrylic with Oil Colour.

Exactly Aga paint is cheaper than Acrylic, Aga paint also get good results if used with the correct technique on canvas. But I prefer Acrylic when I’m painting because I think the results from acrylic it’s pretty cool.

You need to know if Acrylic also can use on face. It is safely and isn’t harmful. Because I knew from internet and I saw the painter use Acrylic when they doing face painting. yay! so do I. I paint my face with Acrylic. tbh it was difficult to painting by my own hand but I did it! Let’s see my b🦇tman and k🐟i on my face. taraaa :

what do you think guys? I’m become jubilant if you comment below:)).

After Acrylic going to dry, it was very easy to remove acrylic from my face. It is different with another paint. Without washing face by water, Acrylic clean easily. I’m gonna show you some of my painting :

those pictures include my lovely Acrylic guys, you can see it!

I finished painting around one a week. I suggest that you want learning to paint, it is very easy to use acrylic to paint the painting. Acrylic has texture, it is easy to mix into other colors. Only need a little water to make the colors mix with the others. Marie’s Acrylic pict you can check on top this paragraph🙂.

And how about Acrylic Oil Colour? Let me explain about this kind of paint.
Marie’s Acrylic Oil Colour more difficult than Marie’s Acrylic. Acrylic Oil Colour must be mixed with oil that already has one package in the paint packaging. (•note : sorry if this pict there’s no oil because my oil left.) And if you are not used to using oil to mix paint it is very difficult to use oil paint.

And also don’t forget to choose a comfortable brush. Before using the brush should be soaked in hot water. 

Let’s learning new things guys. By painting we can vent our feelings 🌸


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